Help functions for random values

o randvar_normal_density
Calculates the one dimensional density function phi( mean, u ) for the normal distribution at point x.
o randvar_normal_density_approx
Determinates the value of the one dimensional density function phi( mean, u ) for the normal distribution at point x.
o randvar_normal_density_pos
Calculates the one dimensional Gauss density function phi( mean, u ) at point x.
o randvar_normal_density_trunc
Calculates the one dimensional Gauss density function phi( mean, u ) at point x.
o randvar_uniform_int
Generates a Uniform( 0, K-1 ) distributed random integer.
o randvar_std_normal
Generates a N( 0, 1 ) distributed random number.
o randvar_normal
Generates a N( mue, u ) distributed random number.
o randvar_normal_pos
Generates a positive, N( mue, u ) distributed random number.
o randvar_get_PHI
Determinates the N( 0, 1 ) distribution function at point x.
o randvar_get_1overa
Calculates scaling factor 1/a for the truncated normal distribution.
o randvar_get_xPHIless1
Determinates the first sampling point x, for which PHI(x) = 1 for the first time.
o randvar_get_xPHIxgleichPHIy
Determinates the sampling point x, for which PHI(x) = PHI(y) for the first time, where x and y consecutive.
o randvar_normal_cdf
Cumalative distribution function F(x;mean,u) for the N(mean, u).
o randvar_normal_pos_cdf
_ Cumalative distribution function F(x;mean,u) for the truncated N(mean, u).
o randvar_get_xfaktphi
Small help function for interpolation, returns a constant
o randvar_get_xstepphi
Small help function for interpolation, returns a constant
o randvar_get_philen
Small help function for interpolation, returns a constant

Alphabetic index

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