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Class: ComplexEmissionSequence /amd/bernoulli/1/home/abt_vin/georgi/hmm/0.7/ghmm//ghmmwrapper/

A complex emission sequence holds the encoded representations of one single sequence. The encoding is done by the emissionDomains. It also links to the underlying C-structure.

Note: ComplexEmissionSequence has to be considered imutable for the moment. There are no means to manipulate the sequence positions yet.

__del__ ( self )

Deallocation of C sequence struct.

__getitem__ ( self,  key )

get a slice of the complex emission sequence @param key: either int (makes no big sense) or slice object @return: a new ComplexEmissionSequence containing a slice of the original

__init__ (

@param emissionDomains: a list of EmissionDomain objects corresponding to the list of sequenceInputs @param sequenceInputs: a list of sequences of the same length (e.g. nucleotides and double values) that will be encoded by the corresponding EmissionDomain

__len__ ( self )

@return: the length of the sequence.

__str__ ( self )

string representation. Access the underlying C-structure and return the sequence in all it's encodings (can be quite long) @return: string representation

getDiscreteSequence ( self,  index )

get the 'index'th discrete sequence as it has been given at the input @param index: number of the discrete sequence @return: a python sequence

getInternalContinuousSequence ( self,  index )

access the underlying C structure and return the internal representation of the continuous sequence number index @param index: number of the continuous sequence @return: a python list of floats

getInternalDiscreteSequence ( self,  index )

access the underlying C structure and return the internal representation of the discrete sequence number index @param index: number of the discrete sequence @return: a python list of ints

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This document was automatically generated on Fri Jan 20 14:56:59 2006 by HappyDoc version WORKING