__call__ (
a call to the factory loads a model from a file specified by the
filename or from a file object or from a XML Document object and
initializes the model on the C side (libghmm).
@param fileName_file_or_dom: load the model from a file specified by
a filename, a file object or a XML Document object
@param modelIndex: not used (inherited from HMMOpenFactory)
@return: PairHMM object
IOError, 'File ' + str( fileName_file_or_dom ) + ' not found.'
InvalidModelParameters("in state %s len(emissions) = %i size should be %i" %( pystate.id, len(B [ i ] ), size ) )
InvalidModelParameters, " Different number of entries in A and B."
InvalidModelParameters, "A is not quadratic."
InvalidModelParameters, "Length of pi does not match length of A."
InvalidModelParameters, "Model type specified in the XML file (%s) is not pairHMM" % hmm_dom.modelType