EPS_ITER_BW - Convergence: Halt criterium for Baum-Welch reestimation if the difference of log(P) in two consecutive iterations is smaller than (EPS\_ITER\_BW * log(P))
EPS_PREC - If the absolute difference of two numbers is smaller the EPS_PREC, then the numbers are equal.
EPS_U - Minimum value for U
MAX_U - Maximum value for U (Turning point at 100 ?)
MAX_ITER_BW - Maximum number of iterations in reestimate
MAX_SEQ_LEN - Maximum length of a sequence
MAX_SEQ_NUMBER - Maximum number of sequences
PENALTY_LOGP - A value that is put in for log_p in the calculation of the objective function if sfoba_logp returns -1 (error)
EPS_NDT - The left limit for the normal density
Alphabetic index
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