sdmodel_free - Frees the memory of a model.
sdmodel_generate_sequences - Produces sequences to a given model.
sdmodel_copy - Copies a given model.
sdmodel_to_model - Utility for converting between single discrete model and switching model
sdmodel_print - Writes a model in matrix format.
sdmodel_Ak_print - Writes transition matrix of a model.
sdmodel_B_print - Writes output matrix of a model.
sdmodel_Pi_print - Writes initial allocation vector of a matrix.
sdmodel_topo_ordering - sdviterbi is working for switching discrete model sdmodel_topo_ordering -- need to be implemented with DFS (as in model_utilc) ============================================================================
sdfoba_forward - Forward-Algorithm.
sdfoba_descale - Descale descales the alpha matrix from the forward algorithm
sdmodel_likelihood - Calculates the sum log( P( O | lambda ) ).
sdmodel_states_print - Writes the parameters of a model sorted by states.
Alphabetic index
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