vector_normalize - Scales the sum of elements in a vector to one.
vector_const_values - Gives all elements in a vector a constant value
vector_const_preserve_struct - Gives all elements, not equal zero, in a vector a constant value
vector_random_values - Gives all elements in a vector random values between 0 and 1
vector_random_preserve_struct - Gives all elements, not equal zero, in a vector random values between 0 and 1
vector_d_print - Writes a double vector (without parenthesis)
vector_d_print_prec - Writes a double vector (without parenthesis) with given number of decimal places
vector_i_print - Writes an integer vector (without parenthesis)
vector_mat_times_vec - Calculates Ax, where A is a double matrix and x a double vector
Alphabetic index
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