sequence_t* model_generate_sequences

(model* mo, int seed,
  int global_len,
  long seq_number,
  int Tmax)

Produces sequences to a given model.


Produces sequences to a given model. All memory that is needed for the sequences is allocated inside the function. It is possible to define the length of the sequences global (global_len > 0) or it can be set inside the function, when a final state in the model is reach (a state with no output). If the model has no final state, the sequences will have length MAX_SEQ_LEN.
mo - : model
seed - : initial parameter for the random value generator (an integer). If seed == 0, then the random value generator is not initialized.
global_len - : length of sequences (=0: automatically via final states)
seq_number - : number of sequences
pointer to an array of sequences

Alphabetic index

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