Cluster structure: All models and sequences.
smodel** smo
- Vector of SHMMs pointers
sequence_d_t** smo_seq
- Vector of sequence_t pointers; to store the sequences, that belong to the models
int smo_number
- Number of models to read in
long* seq_counter
- Number of sequences for each model
double* smo_Z_MD
- log(P) for the model
double* smo_Z_MAW
- a posteriori probability for the Modelle to calculate the objective fucntion in case of a MAW classificator.
Cluster structure: All models and sequences.
smodel** smo
Vector of SHMMs pointers
sequence_d_t** smo_seq
Vector of sequence_t pointers; to store the sequences, that
belong to the models
int smo_number
Number of models to read in
long* seq_counter
Number of sequences for each model
double* smo_Z_MD
log(P) for the model
double* smo_Z_MAW
- a posteriori probability for the Modelle to calculate the objective
fucntion in case of a MAW classificator. Is calculated using smap_bayes
Alphabetic index
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