sequences (double and int)

o struct sequence_t
o struct sequence_d_t
o sequence_read
Reads one or several arrays of integer sequences.
o sequence_read_alloc
Reading of one integer sequence field.
o sequence_d_read
Reads one or several arrays of double sequences.
o sequence_d_read_alloc
Reading of one double sequence field.
o sequence_d_truncate
Truncate double sequences in a given sequence array.
o sequence_get_singlesequence
Extract a single sequence from a larger sequence_t into a new struct.
o sequence_d_get_singlesequence
Extract a single sequence_d from a larger sequence_d_t into a new struct.
o sequence_subseq_free
Free a sequence_t struct which holds as sequence a reference to a sequence in a different sequence_t.
o sequence_d_subseq_free
Free a sequence_d_t struct which holds as sequence a reference to a sequence in a different sequence_d_t.
o sequence_lexWords
Generates all possible integer sequence of lenght n from an alphabet with M letters.
o sequence_best_model
Determine best model for a given integer sequence.
o sequence_check
Make sure that the sequences only contain allowed symbols.
o sequence_copy
copy one integer sequence.
o sequence_d_copy
copy one double sequence.
o sequence_add
Adds all integer sequences, sequence lengths etc from source to target.
o sequence_d_add
Adds all double sequences, sequence lengths etc from source to target.
o sequence_print
Prints one array of integer sequences in a file.
o sequence_print_xml
Prints one array of integer sequences in a xml file
o sequence_mathematica_print
Prints one array of integer sequences in Mathematica format.
o sequence_d_print
Prints one array of double sequences in a file.
o sequence_d_mathematica_print
Prints one array of double sequences in Mathematica format.
o sequence_d_gnu_print
Output of double sequences suitable for gnuplot.
o sequence_clean
Cleans integer sequence pointers in sequence struct.
o sequence_d_clean
Cleans double sequence pointers in sequence struct.
o sequence_free
Frees all memory in a given array of integer sequences.
o sequence_d_free
Frees all memory in a given array of double sequences.
o sequence_max_symbol
Return biggest symbol in an interger sequence.
o sequence_calloc
Memory allocation for an integer sequence struct.
o sequence_d_calloc
Memory allocation for a double sequence struct.
o sequence_d_create_from_sq
Copies array of integer sequences to double sequences.
o sequence_create_from_sqd
Copies array of double sequences into an array of integer sequences.
o sequence_max_len
Determines max sequence length in a given int sequence struct.
o sequence_d_max_len
Determines max sequence length in a given double sequence struct.
o sequence_d_mean
Calculates a mean sequence of a given array of double sequences.
o sequence_d_scatter_matrix
Calculates the scatter matrix of an array of double sequences.
o sequence_d_class
Calculates transition class for a given double sequence at a specified position.
o sequence_d_partition
Divides randomly a given array of double sequences into two sets.
o sequence_d_copy_all
Copies all entries from one sequence in a source array to a target array.
o sequence_d_mix_like
Log-Likelihood function in a mixture model: (mathe mode?) $\sum_k w^k \log( \sum_c (\alpha_c p(O^k | \lambda_c)))$

Alphabetic index

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