Pair HMMs are an extension to classical HMMs allowing each state not only to emit
one symbol but a column of an alignment instead.
We assign an alphabet and two offsets to each state. The offsets determine the number of
characters that is read from each sequence. This implies that each state Si
has a distribution over |alphabet(Si )| possible emissions if one of the offsets is zero
and over |alphabet(S i )|2 emissions if both offsets are non-zero.
The pair HMM is mainly specified by a graphML based XML file which can be partly created
using the HMMEd. The emission probabilities and the alphabets have to be defined manually
in the XML file.
Applications include probabilistic sequence alignment and comparative genefinding. The
driving force behind those is the Viterbi algorithm.
The project was developed by Matthias Heinig during his Master thesis at Genoscope as
the basis of a pair HMM based genefinder. The work was supervised by:
Features of the pair HMM implementation in ghmm: