The Graphical Query Language:
A GHMM-based tool for querying and clustering
Gene-Expression time-course data
(c) 2003-2004 Alexander Schliep (c) 2004-2005 Ivan Costa
Linux & Unix Version
You will need to install the following packages before you
GHMM. The version 1.0 of GQL
will only work with the most recent version of GHMM.
- Tk (as in Tcl/Tk) in a version newer than 8.3.x. There are binary
packages for most Linux distributions. You can find sources at www.tcl.tk/software/tcltk/.
Tk provides the GUI toolkit.
- Python version 2.3.x. This is the interpreter for language
Python, the GQL-software is written in. Again, most Linux
distributions have binary packages for Python. Make sure to choose
Tkinter (the link to the Tk-framework) support. Sources etc.
can be found at www.python.org.
- GSL, the GNU scientific library is at www.gnu.org/software/gsl/gsl.html. It
provides a vast amount of mathematical functions, of which we just use
a tiny bit.
- PyGSL allow us to call the GSL from Python. You can find the
sources at pygsl.sourceforge.net.
- Download
- Uncompress and untar the file you downloaded
- Set your PYTHON_PATH to include the directory where the ghmm.py has been
installed (typically {prefix}/lib/python2.3/site-packages)
- Note, your LD_LIBRARY_PATH must contain the directory where libghmm etc.
- Start the Python interpreter by typing 'python2.3' in your shell. The following
commands should not produce no output.
- import Tkinter
- t = Tkinter.Tk() # A window should pop-up
- import pygsl
- import ghmm
If you see error messages, check whether you used the correct
Python version for installing (pygsl should be in site-packages
in the lib/python2.3 directory), whether your PATH and your
LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable include the directories which contain
the files you are trying to use. Also, if you did not install
stuff yourself, check the protections.
- Messages in the console: GQL still outputs diagnostics and warnings.
This is still a feature
- Why does GQL not have feature X? Feel free to implement it.
Mac OS
You will need a Mac OS 10.3 or latter version.
You will need Windows 98 or latter version.
- Download
- Uncompress the file you downloaded and double click it at GQLCluster or GQLQuery!
See readme.txt avaliable in the unix/linux version for a non binary installation on windows.