The Graphical Query Language:
A GHMM-based tool for querying and clustering Gene-Expression time-course data

(c) 2003-2004 Alexander Schliep


Tools Overview

GQL tools are divided in two main applications: the GQLQuery and the GQLCluster. Starting with the GQLQuery, the user can look for interesting time series patterns and creates a collection of models explaining it. Then, the user can use GQLCLuster to peform a global analysis of the data. Given a initial collections of models, which can be given by the user or estimated automatically by GQLCLuster, GQLCluster estimate mixtures or clustering of the time series, giving as a result a set of gene modules. The modules can be further explored by links to gene annotations databases, calculation of GO enrichment of the classes or be further sub-grouped.

GQLQuery Tutorial

GQLCluster Tutorial