Continuous HMM model

o Continuous HMM.
o sstate
o smodel
o smodel_free
Free memory smodel
o smodel_read
Reads an ascii file with specifications for one or more smodels.
o smodel_read_block
Reads one smodel block.
o smodel_copy
Copies one smodel.
o smodel_check
Checks if smodel is well definded.
o smodel_check_compatibility
For a vector of smodels: check that the number of states and the number of output function components are the same in each smodel.
o smodel_get_random_var
Generates random symbol.
o smodel_generate_sequences
Produces sequences to a given model.
o smodel_likelihood
Computes sum over all sequence of seq_w * log( P ( O|lambda ) ).
o smodel_individual_likelihoods
Computes log likelihood for all sequence of seq_w * log( P ( O|lambda ) ).
o smodel_print
Prints one smodel in matrix form.
o smodel_print_oneA
Prints one smodel with only one transition Matrix A (=Ak\_0).
o smodel_Ak_print
Prints transition matrix of specified class.
o smodel_C_print
Prints weight matrix of output functions of an smodel.
o smodel_Mue_print
Prints mean matrix of output functions of an smodel.
o smodel_U_print
Prints variance matrix of output functions of an smodel.
o smodel_Pi_print
Prints initial prob vector of an smodel.
o smodel_fix_print
Prints vector of fix\_states.
o smodel_calc_cmbm
Computes the density of one symbol (omega) in a given state and a given output component
o smodel_calc_b
Computes the density of one symbol (omega) in a given state (sums over all output components
o smodel_prob_distance
Computes probabilistic distance of two models
o smodel_calc_cmBm
Computes value of distribution function for a given symbol omega, a given state and a given output component.
o smodel_calc_B
Computes value of distribution function for a given symbol omega and a given state.
o smodel_count_free_parameter
Computes the number of free parameters in an array of smodels.
o smodel_get_interval_B
Generates interval(a,b) with B(a) < 001, B(b) > 099

Alphabetic index

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