model_ipow - binary algorithm to compute powers of integers efficiently see Knuth, TAOCP, Vol 2, 463 uses if appropiate lookup table from struct model
model_free - Frees the memory of a model.
model_read - Reads in ASCII data to initialize an array of models.
model_direct_read - Reads in a model, where the model parameters are explicit given in matrix form.
model_from_sequence_ascii - Produces simple left-right models given sequences.
model_from_sequence - Produces simple left-right models given sequences.
model_copy - Copies a given model.
model_check - Tests if all standardization requirements of model are fulfilled.
model_check_compatibility - Tests if number of states and number of outputs in the models match.
model_check_compatibel_models - Test if to models are compatible.
model_generate_from_sequence - Produces a model, which generates the given sequence with probability 1.
model_generate_sequences - Produces sequences to a given model.
model_likelihood - Calculates the sum log( P( O | lambda ) ).
model_set_transition - Set transition from state 'i' to state 'j' to value 'prob'.
model_print - Writes a model in matrix format.
model_A_print - Writes transition matrix of a model.
model_B_print - Writes output matrix of a model.
model_Pi_print - Writes initial allocation vector of a matrix.
model_fix_print - Writes fix vector of a matrix.
model_A_print_transp - Writes transposed transition matrix of a model.
model_B_print_transp - Writes transposed output matrix of a model.
model_Pi_print_transp - Writes transposed initial allocation vector of a matrix.
model_direct_print - Writes a HMM in matrix format.
model_states_print - Writes the parameters of a model sorted by states.
model_direct_clean - Frees all memory from a model, sets the pointers to NULL and variables to zero.
model_direct_check_data - Tests compatibility of the model components.
model_prob_distance - Computes probabilistic distance of two models
state_clean - Frees all memory from a state, sets the pointers to NULL and variables to zero.
get_emission_index - Calculates the right index for emission array b of state j in model mo given an observation obs and taking the state order into account, returns -1 if state order exceeds number of so far emitted characters
update_emission_history - Updates emission history of model mo, discarding the oldest and 'adding' the new observation by using modulo and multiplication
update_emission_history_front - Updates emission history of model mo for backward algorithm by 'adding' observation obs to the left, (example: obs = 3 2 0 0 1 --> 3 2 0 0 )
model_normalize - Uses vector_normalize in vectorh Normalizes the transition and output probs for each state in the given model
model_add_noise - Add a specific level of noise to the model parameters
model_apply_duration - Allocates a new background_distributions struct and assigs the arguments to the respective fields.
model_apply_background - Apply the background distributions to the emission probabilities of states of the model which have one specified (background_id[state_id] != kNoBackgroundDistribution).
model_alloc_background_distributions - Allocates a new background_distributions struct and assigs the arguments to the respective fields.
model_get_uniform_background - Calculates the background distribution for a sequence_t the calculated distribution is uniform, every state with the same order has the same background distribution.
model_distance - Calculates the squared distance between two compatible models.
state_copy - Copies a given state.
state_copy_to - Copies a given state to a given destination.
Alphabetic index
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